Living Nightmares is a late-night horror anthology series that is hosted by a mysterious man known simply as ‘The Guide,’ who introduces the stories from his dark, realm situated beneath an old mausoleum, deep in a forgotten part of the cemetery.
The Guide is known throughout the world because of his profession... he is the Grim Reaper. Each night, after a long day of collecting the souls of the damned, he returns to his old cabin where he spins his tales for an audience of the dead that gathers outside.
The Guide’s realm is a borders paradise of trinkets, dolls, statuettes, paintings, and other objects from all over the world and throughout time. These objects are what The Guide uses to introduce the story of the week to the viewers due to the fact that each object is connected to the story he’s telling.
So what is the connection between The Guide and these objects on his shelves? It’s quite simple: he is the Grim Reaper and these objects are his little souvenirs from the countless encounters he has come across with, from the living over the centuries.
Perhaps the pocket watch lying on his table once belonged to an old man who was murdered; or maybe that shovel in the corner was used to dig up a body that had been hidden in a shallow grave for decades.